Nov 16, 2009

Kitesurfing In Zandvoort

Zandvoort is a great place for water sports and especially for kitesurfing or kiteboarding as some people call it. One of the fastest growing extreme sports in the world, kitesurfing is great not just for the participants but also spectators.

In Zandvoort this summer we got to know a local kitesurfer called Okke Engel who shared with us some detailed information about kitesurfing in Zandvoort including kitesurfing zones in Zandvoort and kitesurfing FAQ.

When you read the FAQ you begin to realise just how much there is to the sport of kitesurfing - everything from what makes it dangerous to having the right equipment, having the right training through to the importance of understanding tides and wind direction.

Pictured: Okke Engel jusf finishing a kitesurfing session
